Login Lockdown is supported by readers.
In plain English, that means we might earn a small commission if you purchase one of the products we review and recommend here.
Does it cost you anything?
Nope! You don’t pay anything.
In fact, you might even get a discount compared to the normal full-price offer on their website.
We use these commissions to help fund the time, research, staff, editing, and more that it takes to perform these reviews.
Unlike many other websites out there, we sign up, conduct a hands-on test, and actually pay for a lot of these tools out of our own pocket.
That way, you’ll get a real, unfiltered opinion.
We don’t accept any money from these companies to review their products, and we don’t ask for free access, either.
So you can rest assured that our reviews are unbiased.
When we tell you that tools like LastPass are a cut above the rest — we actually mean it!
That’s because we’ve paid for each one and spent hundreds of hours testing each of these tools to make sure what we’re saying is 100% accurate. We still use and pay for most of these, like LastPass, to this day (~three years and counting).
The rest of the tools listed here? They range from good to meh to bad. And we’re not afraid to be honest when that’s the case.
If you have questions about this policy, please feel free to contact us here.
– Login Lockdown Team